While speaking to an individual regarding the many benefits of physical therapy, the question frequently asked is “why do I need PT when I work out every day at the gym?” This misconception has unfortunately led many clients to suffer from prolonged recovery times, decreased knowledge of their condition and further injury to their bodies. At ZK Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, we are committed to ensuring a quick and safe recovery that will have a lasting impact on your condition without the dangerous effects of “just working it out.”
““Why do I need PT
when I work out every day at the gym?”
A workout can be utilized for many different benefits, from cardiovascular conditioning to strength training to a natural stress relief. When the body is healthy and functioning properly, a regular workout routine is imperative to one’s overall health and wellbeing. But what happens when the body suffers an injury? Being unable to perform at your optimal quality puts the body at risk for further damage and can prolong the return to your normal routines.
Physical therapy utilizes a specialized rehabilitation program that will aid an injured individual to their optimal functioning. Specific exercise programs are designed to target the source of the problem in order to ensure a safe recovery and reduce the risk of further complications. Your physical therapist will evaluate multiple physical aspects including muscle strength, tissue tension, and anatomical positioning to guide you through a program tailored to your specific needs and strengths. Our goal is to educate you on the mechanism of damage, how to safely heal the affected tissue and to ensure the necessary steps are taken to prevent recurrence of injury.
Your body will compensate in many different ways when an injury is present. Understanding how to move and properly workout to maximize healing and recovering is imperative to all healthy, active individuals. Avoid further injury and let ZK Outpatient Rehabilitation help you move better, perform better and feel better.