Move Better. Feel Better. Perform Better

Pelvic Health PT


  •  Are you reading this because you’re in pain?

  • Are you reading this because you pee your pants on occasions, or too often?

  • Does it hurt you or your partner to have sex?

  • Is it difficult to sit for prolonged periods of time without being in pain?

  • Are you having trouble going to the bathroom?

Pelvic pain is pain felt in the lower abdomen (stomach area), pelvis, genitals, or perineum (the area between the rectum and the scrotum or vagina). Pelvic pain affects up to 20% of people in the United States, including women and men, but it is more common in women.


Everyone has a pelvic floor. It's composed of the muscles supporting the pelvis and lower abdominal organs. This group of muscles helps in controlling your bladder and bowels. The pelvic floor acts like a sling helping to hold the bladder, and it supports the rectum maintaining a 90 deg bend in the rectum to maintain fecal continence. In women, there are many ligaments to help support the uterus, while in men the prostate gland is present which the urethra runs through and can affect the ability to control urination.

The pelvic floor muscles attach to your tailbone and pubic bone. If the muscles in the pelvic floor are weak or don't work as they should, this is called pelvic floor dysfunction.


When you have pelvic floor dysfunction, your pelvic muscles have difficulty relaxing or working together as they should. This can lead to issues with:

  • Constipation

  • Peeing frequently

  • Urinary leaking

  • Fecal leaking

  • Pain during sex in women

  • Pelvic organ prolapse in women

  • Erectile dysfunction in men


Pelvic floor physical therapy is a specialized kind of PT to relieve the symptoms of pelvic floor dysfunction and help the muscles work better. Physical therapists, who specialize in pelvic floor conditions, can help people with pelvic pain restore strength, flexibility, and function to the muscles and joints in the pelvic region. This includes exercises that help your pelvic muscles relax and get stronger.

When you begin pelvic floor therapy at ZK Outpatient Rehabilitation Center, our pelvic health therapists use a hands-on approach and have the sensitivity along with the expertise to make you feel comfortable during assessment and treatment. Each therapist will learn more about your symptoms and assess your pelvis, low back, hips, and core to determine what treatment will be beneficial to you. Don’t worry ladies, there is no speculum or stirrups for this assessment. 

To schedule an appointment, fill out the appointment form or call today to schedule an appointment at (702) 840-1222.